Journal of the stylistic of Persian poem and prose
Article Info
Journal of the stylistic of Persian poem and prose شماره 28

volume Number : 8
number In Volume : 2
issue Number : 28

volume Number 8، number In Volume 2، ، issue Number 28

Stylistics Persian poetry of Rumi Khaldnqshbndy introduction of manuscripts.

Naser al-din shah hoseyni, Nasrin Chire(Author in Charge)


"Maulana Khalid Naqshbandi", known as Khalid al-Baghdadi, the founder of one of the branches of Naqshbandi sect, called the Khaldyh. The present article concerns manuscripts and his poetic style. In order to achieve these objectionsthe metod wich used in the research is the qualitative- descriptive and - analytical metod. what distinguishes Maulana thought from other mystics is that his mysticism over inflused by the religious issues, especially the Shi"a.a addition to the intellectual distinguishes in the literature field theexastance of the puzzles and the historical contents distingwish his poetry fram the mystic poets before him, As well as the evidence of his interest in social issues and in the area of language can be pointed to the influence of his mother tongue.

Maulana Khalid Naqshbandi Naqs , manuscripts , poetry in Persian